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4 Signs You Have a Fear of Starting your Product Idea

stuck on a business idea

The fear of failure, also known as atychiphobia, is an illogical and persistent anxiety of failing. This fear may arise in response to a specific situation. In some circumstances, it may be associated with another mental health issue, such as anxiety or depression.

Being a perfectionist may also be associated with a fear of failing. Because perfectionists have such high expectations for how things should come out, they may have a nagging anxiety that they will fall short of those often unreasonably high standards.

Here are four signs that a fear of failure is preventing you from living the life of purpose, excitement, or fulfillment you desire

1- When things go wrong, you fall apart

You feel like a failure whenever you stumble, no matter how minor. When things are going badly, your self-talk becomes extremely pessimistic. You thrive when things are going well, but you tend to see any upcoming trials as disasters rather than opportunities.

If this describes you, the main thing that has to change is your perspective.

Work on seeing failure as an opportunity to learn. Surround yourself with positive influences and work on maintaining a positive self-talk regardless of your circumstances.


2- You’re been a bit judgy lately

When you see someone who is so successful, you assume it’s because they are a truly exceptional individual. When you see someone fail, you assume they did something wrong, or they’re just not cut out for this type of thing. (In reality, this could be just one step on their long road to success.)


Take note of how you perceive failure and success when they do not directly affect you. That’s a great insight into your thoughts on it.

If this describes you, try to evaluate your current situation by focusing on your internal qualities and effort rather than your external success. Also, try not to compare yourself to others – it’s great to learn from other people’s successes and failures, but comparing yourself to them is counterproductive. Everyone is at a different point in their journey; their starting point may be your starting point.


3- You’re procrastinating a lot

Did you know there’s a link between a person’s fear of failure and their ability to complete tasks in the time allotted? According to Adam McCaffrey, a researcher, those who constantly have negative thoughts and panic at the prospect of failing have a lower sense of self-determination. This frequently results in a lack of motivation to complete time-sensitive projects. It also undermines confidence in taking on major responsibilities. If you are unable to complete tasks because you are afraid of failing, this extreme fear of failure can stifle your productivity. What you can do about this is try to plan out a day, get a planner, a notebook and work your way around every deadline you have. You’ll see how satisfying it is when you complete a single task and you’ll find yourself finishing before deadlines after a while.


4- You accept less than what you deserve

While being content with your current situation is a positive trait, being complacent is not. The truth is that you have the ability to improve your situation and change your life. However, in order to do so, you must admit that you want (and deserve!) more. You’ll have to take a chance. Yes, you’ll have a higher chance of failure this way, but you’ll also have a much, much higher chance of living the life you’ve always wanted.


If this describes you, schedule some time to reflect on your life. Take into account your job, your relationships, and your current situation. What makes you happy? What do you wish you could change? Then, start brainstorming a few changes you could make to bring your life closer to your ideal. Consider the benefits of confronting your fears, making a change, and taking a step forward.


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