4 Ways Companies Can Benefit By Hiring Work At Home Moms

Working from home was already common prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, but lockdowns forced many people to do so. Now that some organizations are returning to regular workdays in the office, those who grew accustomed to working from home face challenges.
Businesses that succeed need to hire the best people available. Given that 47% of US workers are women, supporting working mothers requires policies and a company culture. During COVID-19, more than one-fourth of working moms are considering reducing or quitting their jobs.
Why hire working mothers? Moms are MASTERS of Prioritizing. They can handle distractions and lack of sleep well, and know how to juggle multiple demands.
Hiring working mothers can broaden your team’s diversity, foster new ideas, and model and promote a flexible workplace culture (e.g., taking time off for a child’s sporting event or illness) with clear boundaries for other employees.
Here are 4 ways companies can benefit by hiring stay at home moms.
1- The OGs of Multitasking
They manage the household’s schedules! Appointments with the doctor, dentist and even potty time! And that’s before you’ve had time to wash clothing, cook meals, clean house, prepare your child for school.
Moms are fantastic multi-taskers. Do you need someone on your team that can get a lot done in a limited amount of time? A Stay at home mom may be the ideal candidate. She will easily keep up with the rest of the group due to her juggling of household duties and child care duties.
Any mom you meet has a calendar full of appointments and activities. And her family is always on time. But how? Self-discipline. Moms have a lot on their plates. They get proficient at spinning plates. They can change gears without missing a beat. A SAHM is a great choice for someone who is always on the lookout for multitasker.
2- An outstanding ability to work under pressure
Moms are used to coping with the most stressful situations imaginable: absolutely unreasonable people in the midst of a tantrum, wailing and yelling gibberish in public, and yet somehow can manage to preserve their cool and dignity.
From a cry out due to a meal dislike at the table to a tantrum because the TV does not have their favorite show on, Moms can handle any sort of disruption and still get the job done. They get the ability to block external distraction, focus on the task in front of them and still come out as winners.
If any of your employees are acting out like a kid, you may need to hire even more stay-at-home moms to replace them.
3- Experts in Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
Have you ever fought a 4 year kid to wear his coat in 20 degree weather? No? Well, you should know that Kids are like miniature terrorists, as everyone who has dealt with them knows. They don’t hear you. They just know they want what they want, when they want.
But mums manage to persuade their kids to agree. So they may make the youngster think it was THEIR idea to wear a coat. That sounds like someone you want to do business with. If she can handle a crazy kid, she can handle anyone.
While addressing the”conflicts” that cause tantrums is nearly impossible, moms are given abundant chances to practice their conflict resolution and negotiating abilities.
4- Get the job done with no assistance
There is no manual for Parenting. You basically get a baby, go home, and figure it out. There is no one there to supervise their everyday actions, so moms figure it out and make it happen.
While most moms are organized and prepared, there are some things that can never be completely prepared for. Quick thinking and problem-solving skills are essential. Their ability to think outside the box and solve tiny (or huge) issues is one of our strengths.
So, if you have the opportunity to hire a stay-at-home mom, make sure to take a chance and at the very least interview her. Mothers do bring some extremely transferable abilities to the table, and when the world can’t do much, moms hop in to put matters into perspective because it’s their superpower when they got the choice to give life. Imagine having a superhero working at your company. Because that’s what they are, superhermoms.
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