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9 Skills to Look out for When Building Your Team


9 Skills to Look out for When Building Your Team

“Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results.” ― Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha.

Teamwork makes the dream work, you often hear this phrase among professionals; it is popular for a reason. When you embark on your journey to success, having the right people to accompany you can be a true game changer. It is easy to hire someone who looks good on paper, however, it is ten times harder to find someone who shares the same vision as your company. So how do you choose the right team?

Before choosing the right team, you must first identify:

  • Your Goals,
  • Your Overall Plan, and
  • Most importantly Your Vision. 

Ask yourself what do you want to achieve? What are the soft skills that align with your company’s values? Answering these questions will help you identify the hard skills as well as the softs skills to look for. Although some might think that hiring is an easy process, it is not the case. A lot of factors come into play when hiring. Most organizations focus on technical skills, and while having someone with the right technical skills is very important, it will not help you achieve your goals faster. 

To build the right team you need a balance of the heart and mind. It might sound too poetic and idealistic, however, the right formula for the right team is a balance between technical skills and soft skills. You can never be sure when hiring someone if they tick all the right boxes or if they are the right fit for your company, even though you have a sort of a checklist in your mind. Someone could have acquired all the technical skills necessary for a role, but lacks the necessary soft skills.

So in the end, you need to look out for candidates who have a balance between both. However, keep in mind that technical skills can be taught and acquired whereas soft skills are part of the person’s values and personality; which is why choosing the right person for the job can be very tricky but rewarding

In general, you should look out for the following soft skills when building your team:

  • Honesty
  • Reliability
  • Empathy
  • Confidence
  • Good communication
  • Resilience
  • Adaptability
  • Autonomy
  • Accountability

Compatibility is a very important factor to look at when hiring someone, you can never be sure if a candidate is compatible with the rest of your team unless you actually hire them. So after going through this process, you have the right people who will help you achieve the goals and vision you have set for your organization. 

At SnS, our team of professionals are aligned with our client’s mission, vision, and values. We have the technical skills needed to create products that are relevant to you and to your company as well as the soft skills necessary to create harmony among them which ultimately contributes to your success and the success of SnS. Book your consultation now!


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