SnS Design designs smart looking charger for electric cars

Industrial Design firm fashions a Charging Station
By – Patrick Pontice
Seeking a stylish look for its new electric vehicle charging station, GreenlightAC of Washington, D.C., chose a woman-owned industrial design consultancy in New York City, SnS Design. Greenlight launched its ChargeBar in May. “I developed a sleek design with clean lines and a simple uncluttered user interface that reflected today’s lifestyle,” said SnS owner Nisha Sawhney. “The design stressed ease of use, user safety with unique socket lighting, and power cord security systems to make charging simple, secure, and safe.” The units can be installed at homes and at driving destinations and offer 120- and 240-V charging. GreenlightAC products are open-source (no user membership or proprietary technology required), and they can be quickly and easily deployed, according to the company. The ChargeBar is designed so that it fits cleanly and unobtrusively into commercial and institutional buildings, parking lots, and homes or apartment garages. “We designed it to appeal to a wide range of potential EV users and building and facility owners and operators,” said Sawhney. The unit has illumination on top and bottom to make it easy for the user to locate the ChargeBar in a dim environment. First installations are expected in the third quarter of 2009 at work locations in the D.C. metro area.
SnS designs smart-looking charger for electric cars
Sun, 16-Aug
By staff at GreenlightAC, USA
NEW YORK CITY – SnS Design, a woman-owned industrial design consultancy located in New York City, was selected to design The ChargeBar™, a plug-in power for electric cars manufactured by GreenlightAC of Washington, D.C.
GreenlightAC provides safe, reliable, and user-friendly recharging equipment installed at driving destinations and homes of electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in electric hybrids (PHEVs) owners. GreenlightAC is committed to improving the environment by encouraging greater use of EVs and plug-in electric hybrids.
Co-founder of GreenlightAC, Max Brown, said: “If it’s easy for people to operate and recharge EVs and PHEVs, then more of them will be manufactured and sold, fewer fossil fuel cars will be on the roads, and Earth will be a cleaner place.”
He continued: “It was essential that we design The ChargeBar so that it was functional, yet user friendly. We found the designs and concepts from Nisha Sawhney, owner of SnS Design, to be exactly what we were looking for. She understood our objectives, and was able to deliver a smart-looking, functional product.”
Ms. Sawhney said: “I developed a sleek design with clean lines and a simple uncluttered user interface that reflected today’s lifestyle. The design emphasised ease of use, user safety with unique socket lighting, and power-cord security systems to make charging simple, secure, and safe.”
Fits inobtrusively
GreenlightAC products are safe, cost-effective, open-source (user membership or proprietary technology is not required), and can be quickly and easily deployed. The ChargeBar is designed so that it fits cleanly and inobtrusively into commercial and institutional buildings, parking lots, and homes or apartment garages. It will become synonymous with EV charging, and will provide EV owners with a reliable and widespread network of charging stations.
“We designed it to appeal to a wide range of prospective EV users and building and facility owners and operators,” Ms. Sawhney said. She added that it accommodates 120 Volt and 240V charging. The unit has illumination on top and bottom to make it easier for the user to locate the ChargeBar in a dim environment.
SnS Design offers a wide array of services from product design, packaging, graphics, and merchandising, to exhibitions. SnS Design is a NYC certified W/MBE (Woman/Minority Owned Business Enterprise). Clients range from fortune 500 companies to individual entrepreneurs.
Co-founder of GreenlightAC, David King, added: “Our products allow PHEV drivers to go further and to more places – in essence, GreenlightAC extends the range of electric drive vehicles. Drivers will know that they can always find a safe place to charge their cars because our products will be in place throughout plug-in ready communities.”
He added: “Our goal was to make it as easy and convenient to use our charging unit as it is to use a petrol pump. With our ChargeBar, we believe that we have succeeded in meeting that goal.”
More information:
SnS Design to Design The ChargerBar(TM)
We’re always excited to brag about women-owned businesses who really stand out in the automotive industry. Check out this Fox News article on SnS Design, a woman-owned industrial design consultancy that was selected to design The ChargeBar(TM), a plug-in power for electric cars manufactured by GreenlightAC of Washington, D.C. “I developed a sleek design with clean lines and a simple uncluttered user interface that reflected today’s lifestyle,” said Nisha Sawhney, owner of SnS Design.
The design stresses ease of use, user safety with unique socket lighting and power cord security systems to make charging simple, secure and safe. “If it’s easy for people to operate and recharge EVs and PHEVs, then more of them will be sold and manufactured, fewer fossil fuel cars will be on the roads, and the earth will be a cleaner place,” said Max Brown, co-founder of GreenlightAC. Check out her entire portfolio of gorgeous product designs!