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iPill, The Solution Against the Opioid Epidemic…..Designed by SnS Design

iPill The Solution Against the Opioid Epidemic…..Designed by SnS Design SnS Design  Nisha Sawhney innovation by women product design company manufacturing prototype engineering SnS design

It was decided that pain should be considered the fifth vital sign, and the pharmaceutical industry insisted that opioids did not cause addiction. It was possible for anybody to get opioids. The consequence of this was”uncontrolled” access to “restricted” drugs. Prescriptions for opioids reached record highs. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the number of people who have died as a result of an opioid overdose has climbed by double digits. The measures taken by the authorities to restrict access to opioids have resulted in an extremely lethal heroin and fentanyl epidemic. There are now 135 deaths a day attributed to opioid overdoses.

iPill The Solution Against the Opioid Epidemic…..Designed by SnS Design SnS Design  Nisha Sawhney innovation by women product design company manufacturing prototype engineering SnS design 1

Introducing the IPill. The iPill app uses a biometric identification procedure to run a portable tamper-resistant device to assure patient treatment for pain, avoid overconsumption and diversion of opioids, and ensure patient treatment for pain. Blockchain technology is used by upstream controls in order to provide bidirectional remote physician control and connection with EMR. Controls farther downstream monitor respiratory depression to restrict additional opioid access, ring the patient, or automatically alert emergency professionals, depending on which option is selected. In order to prevent excessive consumption, the iPill app incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy into its design.


The true potential of the iPill app lies in its capacity to gather data on overdose deaths and opioid consumption for the purpose of applying analytics in real time in order to control population health.

To put matters into perspective, here are some stats to overlook when comparing: there were 239 million opioid prescriptions issued for the 100 million individuals who were suffering from acute, chronic, or cancer-related pain. There is no other treatment for pain outside opioids. 90% of individuals who have an opioid overdose are then prescribed more opioids following their overdose occurrence. Abuse is a burden on the nation’s economy, costing $78.5 billion per year.

The iPill App and iPill dispenser are what is envisioned being used for filling all prescriptions for opioids.

The provision of a secure storage and disposal solution that is both cost-effective and safe will contribute to a reduction in healthcare expenses and an improvement in patient safety.

John Hsu, CoFounder of IPill, whom SnS Designs had the chance to work on his invention had complimented the quality of work done by SnS design and the efficient way the product was presented, a badge of honor in the SnS portfolio. A project so intimidating yet so fulfilling was executed to perfection.

Overall, There are a variety of pill dispensers available on the market today to serve as a gentle reminder to patients to take their medications. They are neither tamper- resistant or effective in preventing diversion, but they do monitor tablets. The iPill will be the first product of its kind to go on the market, and it will also be the first of its kind in terms of its ability to prevent opioid overconsumption, monitor patients at home for respiratory depression, enable remote physician adjustment of drug dosages, enable blockchain EMR connectivity and physician remote access, provide cognitive behavioral therapy, and collect data for real-time access in the interest of population management.


The market exclusivity that will be provided under the Hatch-Waxman Act will last for three years.


The iPill, for which a patent application has been submitted, is now in the process of receiving FDA 510(k) class 2 approval. A prototype that is already operational has been constructed. The FDA's Innovation Devices to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorder competition resulted in the selection of the iPill as one of the top eight businesses. This invention is looking to raise a total of one million dollars in order to finish the final development of its software for respiratory monitoring, blockchain EMR connection, and the cognitive behavioral treatment module.

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