What Does Your Branding Say About Your Product?

Exploring the visual voice of your brand and how to tap into today’s dynamic market.
If your brand could talk, what would you want it to say about your product and your business? While the answers to that question will vary from brand to brand, it’s nonetheless a critical question to ask before going to market with your new product. Additionally, you should keep in mind the delivery process of getting your message to your audience. It must be powerful enough to endure the entire product life cycle.
While that seems like a lot to consider, SnS Design is here to work with you to dissect the nuances of today’s dynamic consumer market. So let’s start with defining product branding. In short, it’s how your product interacts with the consumer audience through logo, design and messaging. If done well, it creates an emotional memorable impression that affects their attitude and changes their perception of your overall product brand.
Your branding should also differentiate you from the competition and create a relationship with the consumer. In today’s technological world new products and services pop up everyday therefore establishing brand loyalty is key to survival. With consumers being bombarded by so many product choices and advertisements, more and more are choosing to buy what they know works for them. Your major obstacle is the status quo.
Another challenge that today’s market presents is navigating new media. Your brand identity and messaging should remain uniform across a variety of platforms like websites, smartphones, gaming and social media. Today’s consumer is an active part of your brand voice. Nothing is more valuable to a brand than authentic recommendations from your customers. Your business will benefit greatly by continuing to evolve your branding and finding unique ways to interact with your audience.
Here are 4 levels of messaging that should be considered:
- Attributes of your product or service
- The functional and emotional benefits to the consumer
- Added values that your brand delivers over competitors
- Your brand’s overall personality
Convincing consumers that they need something they didn’t know existed before requires creativity and persistence. A great place to start is to do your research, brainstorm creative direction and strategy. SnS Design will support you to define your target audience and develop a brand strategy that has staying power.
SnS Design brings high level thinking to:
- Market Research
- Conceptualization and Ideation
- Renderings and graphics
- Prototyping
- Testing
- Marketing & Licensing
- Patent protections