Zipz Wine: The Biggest Deal in Shark Tank

The success story how the ZipZ Wine has evolved in such a short amount of time is simply amazing as evidenced in the video below.”
Product, Packaging and Engineered by SnS Design, Inc
December 5, 2014 (episode 613) – Friday 9/8c
Kevin O’Leary offers ZipZ Wine $2.5 million for 10% of the company for the innovative single-serve wine, making it the biggest deal in Shark Tank history.
“I’ve never been so excited for a #SharkTank deal!” O’Leary, a wine connoisseur and vineyard owner, tweeted after the deal premiered on national television.
“Another interesting improvement from all other wine-by-the-glass competitors is the packaging itself. Most other competitors use plastic glasses more resembling a little juice cup, but the ZipZ Wine comes in a wine glass. Now there’s a novel idea.
“Very clever.” – Robert Herjavec
“In our opinion our packaging is going to become to the wine industry what the aluminum can became to the soda industry.” – Andrew McMurray
I think it is a brilliant design. I love it!!” – Lori Greiner
“I think you have a better product.” (In reference to Copa di Vino) – Robert Herjavec
“This wine glass drives me crazy.” – Kevin O’Leary
“SnS Design was integral in taking our Zipz wine concept from a new idea to an actual revolutionary product. She was involved in every step from initial face to face meetings to product design graphic design and renderings in both 2D and 3D onto manufacturing files. Nisha also had excellent prototype associates who worked very quickly and cost effectively with us. Finally, Nisha created a most fantastic animation for us to use as a selling tool for investors, buyers and end users. Our experience with SnS Design and Nisha was excellent. I would recommend her company to anyone looking for that “it factor” in creativity that is so needed in todays competitive marketplace.” J. Henry Scott, CEO